PB2K Updatez Us

PB2K came adn played tuday… adn she gavinged us a kupla notez bowt how she b dewing.

March 11th, 2009 at 6:16 am

I iz teh bery bery gud! I’ve passed my 6 month anniberserie, and everything is going really well. I duzznt hab anee moar pleh Graft-versus-Host disease, and mai blood werk keeps coming back disgustingly normal. So mai Dr. TinyOncoCat sed dat I can has no Bone Marrow Biopsies until mai 1 yeer anniberseree (aka mai nawt thurd birfdai), unless sumfing happens between nao an den. I’z still nawt allowed to werks, but I nao kan drib (YAY!) an go tu sum small stores. So I can take maiself to appoytmints an go git sum ov mai own groceries. I am still a fan ov naps, tho, so I’z nawt kompleetlee bak to mai old self yet.

March 11th, 2009 at 6:23 am

I b duing prettie grate, akshulleee. Mai Dr. TinyOncoCat finkso dat I’z duing bery bery well, an duzznt need to see mii ebery week anee moar! An I jes saw mai Dr. TinyCardioCat, an he sed mai hart iz nermal an hii duzznt need to see mii at awl aneemoar!! (dere’s moar info up in Maus’ fred abowt “calling nao”) I’z jes happitayl to git to plai here todai!

KCT Will Getting Innertuubz at Home

March 11th, 2009 at 4:57 am

O Hai! Ai am not compleetly fix in da brain but Ai getting better! Ai am going holm Friday. But I get a intertoobe on Mondaye! My stroke to all my frends have been so kind, wondermus, and the most besternuss frinds eber! I will be in intertoobe and share more to you *shoooo and hunbunks* (my bunks can remember to read sume times) See you!