Tweet in LOLspeek

O. M. C. C ❗   Lawah sendinged mii dis important information:

Ohai mai leege,

*lawah tries hur bestest kurtsee witowt fawlin obur*

Ai duntz twittify at awl, butt(!) ai wunders if the cheezpeeps dat du twittify knoes abawt dis neu feature?

Yew cans naow chooze LOLspeek as a langwage tu tweets in. Heer beh a lynkee tu where ai red the storee

*lawah kurtzees and tris tu walks awt bakwurds witowt tredin awn hur tayol*


7 thoughts on “Tweet in LOLspeek

  1. Ai duzzunt twyttr oar taweeyt oar faesbork oar enny ub dayut, ai HABS enuf terybbl jeus dewun meeyow mael, peeryud!!
    Ayund den ai duzznt gyt aeheyd ubbyt, jeuss sawrduh chaeyseuss ayfteur iyut adn kumz kloas wunst inna wyl,, kneeyud moar tym inna seeyt leukkn ayut teh mawneuteur, dass awl!!
    Ai habs ae proeseejjur keummn eup awn deh foarteeynth, sea teh kawmeuntz awm “Moon Gazing” teh neuwust poayst aout, fankies aegaeyn tew alla deh peeps heu seynt mee emeows inna hawrspyttl.

  2. Zo, lolspeak iz a nu lanucabbage? Hoo new ai can haz multi-languinne skillz? Naow alla ai gotz ta do iz mak mi fambly anna fwens nawt grumblle anna gwipe anna frow fings wen ai rite dis wai. Dey nawt unnerstandz. Anna dey dunt eben appweciate da Talk likka Piwate Day! Hoo cud b so nawt ufn?

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