Lol Time Confusion

Lol Songz \ Cheezstock \ Disc One

LCB appears onstage, wearing a fringey white pantsuit wif groovy bell bottoms and a sleeveless top all covered in fringes wif beads at teh ends. Even her mask has fringes on it. She is backed by GP, lolpigburglar, teh Cheezland Safari Guide and Scrooge McPig. They is all wearing spiffy suits wif ginormous bow ties. Wif fringes!

Ohai, Cheezfrenz! We is here today to sing to u about a big prollem faced by Cheezwhirled today. When we has a big event like this, there is always despair and confuzzlement over when it actually starts. *crowd applauds wildly in self-recognition* Mm-hmm. So we has this to say about that:

Lol Time Confusion
by LCB, from an idear by Tessm (wif aplologies to teh Temptin’ Temptations)

1, 2… 1, 2, 3, elebenty

Cheezpeeps logging out, Cheezpeeps logging in.
Why? Because of teh timezone that they’re in.
Diff-rent times ‘cuz teh whirled is wide.
At night TTI, it’s noon Saskatoon
Morn for me is midnight for ye!
Rap on, kitteh, rap on.

Well, teh only person knowing ’bout e-vent start time is teh planner.
And it seems nobody’s confident about it, from their manner.
Birfday partys, Cheezpark Safaris, Piggeh Broadcast, racers go fast
No Noms Concert, LBT shows, Cheezpeeps react with “o noeses!”
Lol time confusion.
Oh yeah, that’s what Cheezwhirled has today. Hey, hey.

Teh awesome lols are what make guts bust.
Young trolls walking round with their heds up their butts.
They come out in droves in teh summer time.
And oh, we beat on them.

Hed splortation, rescue-ation, puns galore, songs and moar.
Shooting lawn chairs to teh moon, frenz logging off too soon.
While the Cheezes add more blog sites to suck up our time.
And our bandwidth, too.

So, round and around and around we go.
When teh party’s starting, nobody knows.

Oh, great Ceiling Kitteh, can’t you hear me talking to u.
Just some lol time confusion.
Oh yeah, that’s what Cheezworld has today.
Hey, hey.

Server’s over here, HQ’s over there,
Lol deployment’s out of sync.
U struggle just posting a link.
And teh only sure thing there is
Is that there’ll be perturbation
When a party’s on.

Eve of teh function, mass malfunction, kitteh hysterics, tears collected,
Schedules in demand, speculation out of hand.
Weepy eyes, too many zones, Cheezpeeps giving mournful moans
People all over Cheezworld are shouting, “When’s it start?”
When a party’s on.

Great Ceiling Kitteh, can’t you hear me talking to u.
Saying… lol time confusion.
That’s what Cheezworld has today, hey, hey.

Let me hear u, let me hear u, let me hear u.
Sayin’… lol time confusion.
That’s what Cheezworld has today, hey, hey.
Let me hear u, let me hear u, let me hear u, let me hear u, let me hear u.
Sayin’… lol time confusion. (etc.)

See this song at Cheezstock

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