Purr Me Amadeus Mozart

I haz recieved dis sad nooz from JD. I iz sure deh Nite Watchman will taking good care of Purr Me Amadeus Mozart.

I am sowwy to announcify dat my kitteh Purr Me Amadeus Mozart has died. Last night, he slipped into a coma and died. He’d had dementia for some time.
The rescue shelter he came from originally thought him dead when they found him – his fur was so matted and dirty he could barely move, and he was terribly thin.
Even with years of help, he never re-learned how to clean himself and regained only limited mobility. What mattered, though, was that he learned he could be loved.

Kitties to deh Vet

Dis am from MamaCat.  To donate pls go to https://www.crowdrise.com/fundraiser/campaign-updates/631063#!/status/4

So, took Pippi and the three little boys to the V. E. T. today.

Pippi  has an infection in her nose, probably still from that straw I pulled out this spring (!), so she got a shot of long acting antibiotic.  Dr Tom said otherwise, she is doing great.

The  three little boys are the kittens the wild mama brought. She has  disappeared, so am raising them for her. The biggest little boy was 15  oz, the middle one was 13 oz, and the runt was 5 oz. Dr Tom gave them  all worm medicine, and then checked the little one out closely. He  thinks the eye is totally gone, so I should stop trying to salve it and  open it, there is just nothing there and it will hopefully close up on  it’s own and skin grow over it. He also got some stuff to help the  diarrhea. Otherwise, they are all okay. Dr Tom says the little one is still pretty spunky, he was toddling all over the exam table, lol, and I told him that he eats really well, so now we just wait and see. Still watching to see what their names are, right now just calling them Biggie, Midling and LIttle Shit, lol.

Pippi can now play with them, like she has been begging to do since the mama left, I wouldn’t let her until we got her sneezes figured out, so now all four are happy. Pippi is just a baby herself, just a year old, so more like a big sister to them, but that is okay, someone to cuddle up to is never a problem!

Thank you again to everyone who has donated to keeping this cats healthy and well. Being able to take them in when they need it is a huge weight off our heads. There is enough in there right now to get all three little boys neutered when it is time, so thank you thank you thank you!!

Cats at Four Winds

Dis came intu mai emayoz frum MamaCat: 

Okay gang, here we go- Booger, Frosti, SheeLa, Zebtu, Pippi and Tippi are going in the day before, on November 10, to have their surgeries on Wednesday, November 11!!!!!!! I will have to carry a balance, but the vet office is going to let me do this (I am a good customer, lol) But this means – ALL, EVERY LAST ONE -of the fur kids will be spayed/neutered!! Please, donations now are critical – I can’t get their vaccinations yet, so we need a bit more, PLEASE!!! And please pass this on!!!

Our Facebook page is Cats at Four Winds Sanctuary, to keep up with everyone and see how they are all doing.
Thanks to each and every one of you who has helped with this, I could not have done it without you. One last push, and we will be done!!

Inky Crosses deh Bridge

Dis am frum KCTailkinker.  Mai hart goez owt tu hur.  


Inky had been doing well for a 21 year-old kitteh but by Caturday he got nawt feeling well. Mai hart is borked. He went ober da Bridge Toosday morning.
Ai new he was leebing meh and Ai cried. Ai told him he cud go ober da Bridge to be wif his brudders and sisters and friends. Ai sed good bye and told him that he wuz da bestest kitteh.
Later, he passed and he is so missed and loved.
Thank you, Mai Cween!

Teddy crosses the Rainbow Bridge

Dis landinged in mai emayos tuday frum Diamond Kitteh.  mai heart am borking fur hur.

Ohai mai cween, I bear sad tidings. Today we helped Teddy cross the
Bridge. He had a very peaceful death. Here’s the story:

This household was very peaceful yesterday evening and this morning. Last
night I brought Teddy up to my bedroom (where he and his mother, brothers
and sister came when the kittens were about 3 days old); after awhile he
jumped down and went to the top of the stairs, where he lay with Twitch
keeping him company (something she never does). He even batted at his toy
butterfly. This morning we all got up early (again, something that never
happens) and Teddy had some cat milk, then he and I sat on the stoop while
I had my tea. It was a coolish overcast day. After awhile Ted strolled
across the yard and went through a little opening in the cedar hedge and
sat peacefully in his hidey hole for about 15 minutes, then came back to
the stoop. He did this again awhile later, only this time he stopped and
sprayed near the vegetable patch to show those male cats who come around
who is the boss here. Then I gave him some cat treats. He couldn’t smell
them, but once he felt them with his lips on my hand, he eagerly ate them
up; I let him have all he wanted.

Eventually we came inside, he climbed up on the toilet and had a drink,
had some toona joos, then we settled on the floor in the living room. I
brushed him all over (he loved having his belly brushed), him purring all
the while. At 11, when the vet was due to come, Teddy went and hid behind
the couch… My sister, who is a nurse, arrived (through a happy
coincidence), then the vet. Teddy went very peacefully. He protested
slightly to the poke when he got a sedative, then tried to climb off my
lap, but soon relaxed, purring. The vet gave him lots of time to fully
relax. Then a little shaving and poke with an IV, which didn’t cooperate.
Same procedure on the other front leg. Teddy showed no signs of discomfort
through any of this. He was totally relaxed and was gone within 30 seconds
of receiving the IV. My sister stayed for a couple of hours, which was

Teddy is now wrapped in a blanket on my kitchen table. I got to clean his
eyes, the egg yolk off his cheek and the gummy medication build-up from
inside his ears. When I’m ready, I’ll take him over to the vet’s to
arrange for cremation.

Even this morning I was wondering if I should postpone this day, but when
I looked objectively at the situation, I realized it was the right thing
to do for Teddy. He’s free of his nose/sinus problems, weakness and nausea
now, scampering around the Meadow with his brother, Bear, my other heart
kittehs and everyone’s heart kittehs. And the Night Watchman will watch
over him. Be at peace, sweet Teddy, gentlest cat I’ve ever known.

DK/4point5kittehs ❤