Report on A Biker Too

Grate noooz coming owr way frum Turtlol:

Ohai Mai Cween!

Ai hasa big happee tu repawt dat Ai can hasa bisit wif ABT tunite.  I did not stay long, as it tires him out to talk a lot.  But he was very chipper, and says he is feline mush bedder!  I’m glad HE thought so, he’s hooked up to all manner of fings, cardiac sensors, O2 cannula, IV wif teh anti-robotics, it is kind of skeery.

When I got there, he was receiving a breathing treatment (like I have posted elsewhere before, it looks for all the world like a bong or a waterpipe…”how duz yu noe dis wut tehy luk lyk, turtlol?”  oh, Ai seed a piccie uv wun awn teh innertoobs, yeah, dat’s teh tikkit….) and he was also getting what they call “percussion” treatment.  Basically, it’s a hand-held device that the nurse or assistant holds, and it’s turned on and it beats up and down fastfastfast and it is breaking up teh bad pleh in his chest.  It looked and sounded very goofy, kind of like a mini-jackhammer, but he swears it is doing him a LOT of good.

He coughs a lot, and (TMI ALERT)  he is now bringing up teh nasty stuff from his lung that is congesting things in there. That’s what they want him to do, hawk it up. Nasty, but necessary.  Before, he coffed and coffed, and nothing came out.  That is not gud wen yu has teh pew moan yuh.

He also has a STACK, I mean, literally, like 30+ email Cheer Messages on his table!  He was soooo happietail to get every one of them, and yes, for those who asked, he is getting them all even ones without the room number on them.  I looked thru them, LunarMommy’s was there, Suburban Prairie, awl teh Cheezies…. Annipuss, Upfi caterpillar and some of teh cheezies in annudder contree can has trubble playing wif teh hospital’s server, sew again, ifn dis happens, plz tu send to me and I will print them and physically take them to him.  He was VERY pleased to see  Annipuss’ message, which came complete with her familiar avatar on it; he was quite tickled.

We both hada laff obber wut teh horsepistol peeps dat prints deez owt must fink uv awl deez messages in LOLspeek. Tehy must fink we awl kookie.  And sew we am!

Oh, Ai awlso tuk a pome frum sunuvawot, and Dennis was very touched to receive it; he felt very special that he had his own pome, just fur hims!! Fankyoo!!

I axed hims wut he wood wunt, aside frum getting owt uv dere, and awl he sed awl he wisht fur wuz a radio…. he can hasa radio sho and he is missing wut tehy am doon awn hims radio stayshun in his absence!! Ai can find a portable radio heer at mai howse (nawt a boom bawks, too big fur teh liddlol rume) and will take tu hims wen we hasa Cheezmeet at teh horsepistol on Sunday!

Dr. TinyWhatsis came in while I was there.  He listened to Dennis’ lung, and tummeh and luked at hims legs and feets, tu.  He said, “making progress, slow, but making noticeable progress!” so that was gud gnus.  He also said Dennis is NOTcontagious, and said he would be more worried about visitors exposing ABT to germs rather than teh otter way around.  I wuzzint werried fur me, Ai am helfee as a turtlol, but Ai wuz consirnd fur otter peeps, and Dr. TinyWhatsis sez no werries.

Ai will repawt bak wen Ai noe sum moar.
Yr obeediunt serbant,