Miz Foofytaylz Tea Room

Oh Hai!!

Cweenmj heer tu telling u a bit abowt Miz Foofytaylz Tea Room.

Az sumz uv u noez, deh mental helthz b wun uv mai kunsernz.   It wuz an undiagnosed depression that tookingifyed mai son from me.  I haz notissed dat a gud mennee uv ower peepz haz mental helth issuez, maiself inkluded.  Wen deh depressionz hittingz peepz dey feelz like dey am deh onlyest wun dat feelz so bad, dat dey not b werf deh lubz and caring, etc, etc.

Dhe Tea Room am a place for Cheezpeepz tu kum wen dey b fiting deh ebil depression oar anziety oar uzzer such problemz. Oar b deeling wif lubbed wunz hoo b habbing deh problemz.  Here peepz will finding deh kumfort uv tea and sympathy.  I know dat peepz kum tu ICHC fur deh frenz and kumpassion, but deh Tea Room b a speshul plaice fur wen dey b habbing deh overwhelming “AAAARRRRGGGHHHH” dat dey not want tu airing on ICHC.   Dis iz for peepz wif reel, serious issuez. Itz fur peepz hoo iz on, oar mebbee shud b on, medz fur deh hedz.  (I takez deh zoloft.)

When u b stopping bai tu talk, wii will lissening tu u.  Wii will talkingz with u, nawt at u.  Wii will gibbing u deh reassurancez dat u am deh wunnerful person u awlwayz wantinged tu b.  Wut wii b offering heer b deh hope, unnerstanding, encouragementz adn lubz.  *Miz Foofytayl nudgez deh cween.*  And tea. Wii haz tea!

Wii iz NAWT deh mental health professionlolz.  Wii duz nawt b deh counsillorz oar therapists oar psychaiatristz.  Wii iz just kunserned frendz.  Wii kannawt “fixing” u aor ur problumz.  But mebbee wii kin making dem luk a liddlol smawller.

Deh Tea Room is a refuge fur deh weary adn a plais uv hope. *Miz Foofytayl nudgez deh cween.*  And tea!  Lotz uv tea!!

Az awlwayz, deh LOLspeek iz optional.

